
HuberPress is a collaborative project between two brothers from another mother, Chris Huber and Wes Huber. It is a business dedicated to building creative and innovative WordPress plugins and sharing them with the world.

The idea has roots in a College of Charleston dormitory, where the friendship at the core of HuberPress took hold. Both Chris and Wes developed an interest in the wonders of the internet around this time, and the seeds were planted for the career paths that they would each embark on.

For Chris, this was building a blog called Extra Chill that has become a full-time endeavor. For Wes, this was freelance software development and later a full-time software engineering position.

Now, over a decade later, the Huber brothers have gained experience and complimentary skills, and HuberPress is a way to bring that together. It’s a place for them to showcase and hone their skills while also staying connected as friends.

Learn more about each of the founders on their personal websites, chubes.net and weshuber.com.